Is he breaking up with me? We’ve been together for 3 yrs never been into huge fight. He’s an alcoholic, loves to always drink friends even before he met me. He told me that he didn’t felt like him anymore because when he drinks he always think of me waiting for him. He cant put another girl wallpaper (celeb). He cant watch sexy kpop on YT because I get sulky but I just want him to caress me. He’s very annoying he calls me fat almost call me ugly thats why I get insecure but its his personality. He has no regular work, savings and money when my parents asked us when will we get married. And thats when he starts getting cold to me doesn’t seem he wants to talk to me and told me he wants to be alone and tell me All those reasons and it all hurt me. He only sees all my negativity. Why is he like that

  1. If he is, I’d say he’s giving you a lot of reasons to thank him for doing so.

  2. >He’s very annoying he calls me fat almost call me ugly thats why I get insecure but its his personality. He has no regular work, savings and money when my parents asked us when will we get married.

    His personality is to be cruel and emotionally abusive to you? What a shit personality! He’s not financially stable enough to get married, let alone have a stable relationship. He’s an alcoholic and has no plans to stop.

    Don’t marry this man. Don’t even hang out with him this weekend!
    It’s better to be alone and healing than to stick with this jerk who drinks excessively, can’t rub two coins together, and chooses to be so repulsively disrespectful about the way you look. The reason you haven’t fought is that you’ve been accepting his shitty behavior at your own expense. You’ve been too kind to him; extend that love to yourself.

  3. Why don’t you break up with him?

    He has no job.

    He calls you fat.

    And he’s an alcoholic.

    It sounds like this relationship isn’t meeting your needs. You can do better than this.

    If you say “because I love him”, I’m going to vomit for 3 hours straight. I’m sure you have a pair of *shoes* you love more and have cried over less.

  4. I’m sorry love, he is breaking up with you. When the time comes that you’re ready to start dating again make sure you pick a man who puts you first.

  5. he broke up w/ you. it sucks, i’m sorry but best to move on…..he sounds like a jerk tbh

  6. Hopefully he is breaking up with you, he treats you poorly, not the way someone in a relationship should be treated.

    By all means find someone else.

  7. Sounds like he’d rather point out what he thinks is negative about you and doesn’t want to face his own short givings. Please understand this doesn’t necessarily mean there is anything negative about you, but it sounds like he is willing to try and find whatever he believes will put you down the most. I would say if he isn’t leaving you, do yourself a favor and leave him. Best thing you can do is be happy he’s ridding you of a parasitic ass and show you are happy about it.

  8. Can’t help you much. But I was waiting for a sign and this seems to be it.

  9. Lol, he’s a jobless alcoholic that has complained he can’t drink more and watch sexy YT videos because you’re around? Why the fuck are you not already leaving his ass? Muster up some self respect and leave him. You’re not perfect either? No problem, no one’s perfect. But this guy sounds like he sucks.

  10. Why is he like that? Because he’s an alcoholic a-hole. He’s not a good person.

    I know it doesn’t feel like it now but he did you a huge favor by breaking up with you. You were NOT in a healthy relationship. From your post, it seems like you were never going to leave even though you were in a toxic relationship.

    Let him go and block him. You should focus on yourself. Learn to love yourself (sounds like your self-esteem is low) and learn to set boundaries. Love is mutual respect.

  11. He’s like that because he’s an idiot and is likely to never change you are better off packing your things and leaving and never looking back he’s giving you every reason Under the Sun to leave and not date him and not give him any more chances yet you’re digging and scratching at the surface trying to find any excuse to stay which would be a horrible idea you did not list a single positive thing on there about him and how he treats you you’re just delaying the inevitable and babying him into being 100% dependent on you

  12. Yes its more like hes breaking up with you and mostly already seeing another person but honestly you don’t deserve that treatment at all …better up and leave

  13. He trying to let you down easy, but what he’s saying is he wants to break up completely. Nobody says “I want time alone, but you don’t gotta wait up for me” unless they want to break up for good

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