I often feel like I have something to add to some of these questions but over on the women’s sub, men Responding isn’t too fondly looked upon. Curious what the consensus is here.

  1. Yeah, bring it on. I think it depends of what ‘women’s sub’ you are in, but I know some of them are more open to a male opinion that others. I certainly have never seen a woman’s response here that I am aghast at (though I am sure it does happen). Play nice with others works for all people.

  2. Only if she agrees with me and makes me feel better about myself. Pretty much the same standard I have for male commenters.

  3. Before commenting or answering I really try to consider if my view is necessary to add. While it’s nice to see some of the commenters here don’t mind input from women, I am aware this is fundamentally a man’s space and even the non-gendered questions are obviously asked for a reason otherwise they’d be in main subs. So I try to be aware not to dilute the responses with my input.

    I think I’ve commented here about three times haha, and usually only when a female perspective on whatever the topic thread is is really relevant. 

  4. This question pops up from time to time, I say both women and men can both ask and answer questions, its still a askmenover30 sub, so long the post is focused around the subs guidelines I dont see why not, it can be helpful if you write that you are a woman when answering or asking so people know from what perspective you writing from. There are always some bad eggs that are very hmm gender territorial, but I have found this sub to be very open, compare to the women specific subs. It dosent have to be so black and white 🙂

  5. I think this sub is supposed to be for questions targeting responses from men over 30s. We know men between 18-25 respond elsewhere on Reddit, and immaturity in them can come through in their responses and color our own understanding.

    Primarily, posters are inviting feedback here from men over 30. I think if a man over 30 has given a response, but you think it deserves some feedback, or your female perspective, feel free to respond. In other “men’s” specific subreddits I’ve had women respond telling the men how the discussion, or their side of a topic is affected by this. It’s always welcome to get more context – especially on discussions of how their actions can affect women.

    I did, for a little, read women’s subs for better understanding of their perspective. But, it didn’t really help me at the time. Maybe, now I worked on myself first, id have a better go at it. But, it wouldn’t be for anyone’s benefit but my own. I might comment to give a male perspective if I thought it was warranted, but I couldn’t guess how it would be received.

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