So, I work at a junior company (we don’t get paid, so its not really a boss-worker situation), and this girl was my sales directress last year. This year she became President and I took over her role. I’ve always liked her, and she even vented to me by text a few times, tho that was some time ago


then we were discussing some company stuff by text
, then I said “Also, would you like to go have lunch somewhere once we both have some free time?” (we both have a lot to do right now so it really wouldn’t be possible)

she said


“We can. Also, let’s throw a welcoming party for the trainees next week, please don’t let me forget”

and that was it

but it sounds a bit ambiguous to me

is she really talking about 2 different days, or is it like “let’s go, but lets invite everyone”

the “we can” makes me think she accepted

but it doesn’t sound like a very excited answer

Like, why talk about that party right now?

I asked some girls, 2 of them said she doesn’t seem interested, and the other said I’m just being too insecure

what do you guys think?

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