What promise to yourself do/did you break again and again?

  1. Give up creamer. It makes tea and coffee taste much better even if it’s not good for my waistline

  2. Not to cut my hair.

    I started growing it out at the end of high school, finally serious about realizing my dream of being Rapunzel.

    A decade later, I’m back to a shoulder length bob. Having long hair turned out to be like double the upkeep than it’s worth.

  3. To not accept less than im worth. Yet I continue to make excuses for peoples behavior 🙄

  4. Oh, like everything.

    I never quit smoking. I never practice any kind of self care. I’m not going to do that thing in the morning, or this evening, or whenever. I never get active and try to really change habits. I never clean up my craft stuff. I never get around to most things I tell myself Imma do… It’s just my relationship with myself… turbulent. Lol.

  5. That I won’t repeat toxic people-pleasing/self-sacrificing relationship habits with new partners.

    I always manage to convince myself for a few months that therapy has helped overcome this and that this time is different.

    Each time is *better*, it’s true…but after I few months, I still realize that I’m prioritizing the other person’s emotional comfort, time, and security over my own.

    I hope to one day break this cycle for good, and keep my promise of setting and keeping boundaries that prioritize my emotional health, goals, and desires on an equal level with my partner’s.

  6. That I wouldn’t let people take advantage of me.

    Setting boundaries is hard, and manipulation comes in SOOOO many forms and from soooo many different people.
    Romantic partners, family members, neighbours, bosses…

  7. All the things. Eat better, exercise (sorry rowing machine, I swear I didn’t intend you to be a coat rack), quit smoking, never yell at my kids again, stop using negative self-talk, really deep clean the house…

  8. I know he’s not good for me, yet everytime we gravitate back towards one another, I allow us to collide until things blow up and we go separate ways again.

  9. That I’d stop falling in love with NEETs

    I keep thinking that maybe if I date a NEET he’ll love me enough to do something with his life and we’ll become a normal couple

    Never happens ;_;

  10. Opening up to my mom after she let me down in the past. It always comes back to slap me in my face. For some reason a part of me feels that she has changed after making amends. I hate that I am so desperate for her attention, approval and love. I wish I had a good relationship with my mother.

  11. that i’ll start caring less about others who don’t care about me… the cons of having a big heart :’)

  12. This is my last stress induced junk binge, I’ll eat healthy from tomorrow.

  13. “You can stop when you want. You’re in control. You won’t let it get out of hand. You won’t lose yourself to the liquor.”

    *I won’t drink this weekend.* — *Ah, there’s nothing wrong with picking up some beer on your way home from work.* — *Might as well go out to the bar, then.*

    “No, I’m not drinking tonight.” — “Ah, I’ll just have one. — “I guess a couple shots wouldn’t hurt anyone.”

    …You can stop when you want. You’re in control.

    *You won’t lose yourself to the liquor.*

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