Need direction on what to do.

46M married to a 45F, 16 years marriage and 7 years of going around before that. Life hasn’t been a bed of roses.. we started fighting within 6 months of marriage. Originally from India, settled in US. I paid for everything including marriage, plane tickets etc to get her here. Have a younger sister whom I adored and wanted to bring her to the US for studies. My wife was against that (don’t know why) and one day told the 16 year old girl that we fight because of you. From that day onwards my sister took a turn, became formal with me instead of being my little sister, and did crazy things like running away and getting married to someone we never approved of. She is a goner now, hardly talk to her. Anyways wife and me fight constantly, we have a 10 year old sweet kid. Wife hates my parents, doesn’t talk to them, I don’t talk to her parents either. I pay for most things, including mortgage, she hardly spends even though she earns 1/3rd of what I make. I do most of the cooking for my own self, make my own breakfast and dinner. Teach my kid. Work real hard to pay for the house etc. She treats me like shit, last fight she called the cops, who came and saw the house, fortunately nothing was broken and could not find a reason to arrest me. Since that day she has become more mean. If I don’t listen to her or do something wrong, she makes me suffer by not making anything for me. But she eats in front of me. I was diagnosed with diabetes and trying to eat healthy, but since last week everything has gone for a toss as have been eating crap from out. Am wondering what’s the point of this life, there is no love, no relationship with anyone, what am I working hard for? Am worried that if I file for divorce she is going to talk half my saved up money. Which I have earned, she has hardly contributed to anything. I don’t see a way out. Have a friend whom I talk to, she was her friend, but when she heard my story, she has stopped talking to her and chats only with me. Sorry just typing thoughts as they come. How can someone not be bothered by her spouse not eating healthy for a week? Where is the care? She is never happy with anything I do for her, be it birthday or anniversary, kids birthday, nothing. She is always finding faults. Wondering what my options are. I don’t want to live this life. Lost my sister, my parents live alone in India, worried about them all the time.
Lonely and depressed, don’t know what to live for.

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