im 16 F and i’ve never had a boyfriend before. i’ve had fumbled with a few guys (very few) but i don’t get hit on barely at all and guys never talk to me.
sometimes i think i get stares but i don’t know if i’m imagining it, i’ve had my instagram asked but never to my face, all times they’ve asked my friends for my instagram instead of asking me directly, also, few amount of times. everyone in my class flirts easily and don’t have problems with getting a guy (or girl). also the boyfriend part, i’m quite shy and awkward and i’m not very confident and i have social anxiety. id love to have a boyfriend but everytime i’ve tried i’ve failed (either they weren’t interested, lost interest, or only wanted me for physical intimacy).

id love to know how to change this and how i can get a boyfriend easily like everyone else and be able to attract guys. i’m considered very beautiful by a lot of people but i’m mostly insecure about how i am and how every other girl has an easy flowing attractive personality and all i do is stutter, make a fool out of myself, the least integrating in a social situation and awkward.

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