If your girlfriend, who you live with, was having a rough day and you were out of town for several weeks and would be gone yet another week, and she was texting you crying because of truly hard things she was dealing with–think major stressful life events–and said she really missed you and asked you to call or FT and leave the phone line open so she could go to sleep listening to a podcast with you and listen to you snore because that helps her sleep when you’re together, and you called her to talk a bit and it was bedtime for you, and she asked again, would you say of course? Be weirded out? Feel she was being too needy and should be able to comfort herself? Would you simply draw a boundary and not explain why you were saying no other than that you knew she was strong enough to handle it and you’d see her in a week?

Assuming the woman is not typically intrusive or demanding of his whereabouts, time, attention, Is it a beige/red flag if a man who is otherwise usually very kind and sensitive responds to a bid for comfort and connection this way?

(Assuming he has an unlimited WiFi connection).

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