Yesterday was my boyfriend’s birthday. I was recently laid off and I didn’t have any real money to pay for a gift. But I promised him I would make his favorite meal, from scratch and wrote him a little handwritten card. I communicated my financial situation ahead of time and he was super supportive. I got him a pair of socks as well. But today, he seems really mad that I couldn’t get him a gift and is now super passive aggressive about it. It just fucking sucks. He’s starting fights for no reason. I am just sad and it feels like total SHIT to not only not have a gift, but to feel ashamed about it.

  1. I’m sorry he’s treating you like this. Question how old is he? This is extremely immature behavior on his part. Don’t be ashamed you did what you could

  2. Socks are awesome tbjh. That’s a very nice present. But how old is your bf? Most adults can cope maturely with disappointment?

  3. If he’s 36 years and and doesn’t understand that you bring out of work and needing money for something more important that gifts right now is, we’ll, important…

    Then idk, op. Dude sounds like a dud. This is a him problem, not you.

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