Women of reddit, are you proud of the person you have become? Why?

  1. Hell yes! I’ve done so many scary-to-me things and I’m proud of that!

  2. The farthest from it. My life has been chaos, a lot brought on by me. There is no stability in any sense of the word. I have nothing and no one.

  3. Yes. I’ve spent 47 years developing into this person through a lot of intentional training, education, sacrifice, diligence, self work, and choice, and I continue to curate myself to be the version of myself by my own measures. Becoming who I am today was no accident, and I’m proud of the work that I’ve put in to be here and of the work that I will continue to put in to continue to develop as a person throughout my life.

  4. Yes. I may not have achieved everything I wanted, but I did accomplish my major goals. I’m mentally tough, and I’m proud if this fact. It doesn’t mean that I don’t have my breakdowns. Life can be tough sometimes, and when it does, I think everyone has the desire to give up. I do too, and I allow myself to feel it for a little while, but then I rally. It’s what got me to my job today, and the breadwinner of my family.

  5. I am. 13 years ago I finally ended an abusive relationship. I had absolutely no confidence when I met my now husband 11 years ago but now I am really happy in myself. I’m the most confident and happiest I’ve ever been.

  6. Yes and no. In some ways I am incredibly strong, smart and resilient. In other ways I’m massively flawed. Still trying to improve at 43.

  7. Generally speaking, I am. I have accomplished so much more than I ever dreamed I would. I am also proud that I have not become jaded or jagged at the edges, I am a great wife, friend, daughter, sister and that is really I could ever ask for. So I am proud of my temperament.

  8. Yes. I’m a loving mom to 4 kids, married to a man who loves me. I have a career that is fulfilling. I never lost my childish quirkiness, so I’m silly and whimsical and strange. I’m loved by most people in my life, and I’m known for being reliable, honest, trustworthy, and fun

  9. Yes. Absolutely. I am becoming the person I wish my thirteen year old self could have spoken to.

  10. I’m proud of the person I became my teenage me would be very proud too 😂🤣

  11. Kind of. I’m proud that I have a decent job, a wonderful husband, and hilarious cats. We also saved enough to buy our own home without our parents’ help. But I wish I did more. I got into chemistry because I wanted to do research but I’m not that smart

  12. I’m proud of beating the odds and becoming someone useful and independent, that’s for sure. But much is to be improved still

  13. Yeah. I’m not exactly where I want to be in life, but I’ve got my shit together and I can deal with things.

  14. I think so. I still feel like I have so much more to learn and so many skills to refine and yet I look back and think how far I’ve come. So yes. Maybe?

  15. Definitely not. I am at a place right now where my mind continuously thinks and stresses over anything and everything. I feel that people around me are disappointed in me. And I can do much better, make much better decisions than what I am.

  16. Yes. I’ve put in the hard work in therapy and I’ve learned to stick to my values and work towards being the person I want to be tomorrow

  17. I would say so – due to a traumatic upbringing, my main drive has always been to become the polar opposite of my mother. Wherever she goes, she brings pain and chaos, and I try to do the opposite, and to bring in some way joy and love to the people around me, and to be grateful for each day. I am in no way perfect and I’ve certainly hurt people as well, but I think overall I make the world around me just a tiny bit better, and that’s most important to me. I also find a lot of joy in creativity/crafting, and in cooking, and love sharing those things. I wouldn’t necessarily use proud, but I am content with where I am in life and who I’ve become.

  18. No because i let my anxiety form into just being ok with what life is and not trying to change it but idk how.

  19. Not at all…I feel like there’s not much to be proud of. I failed at many things and everything is incredibly hard.

  20. I guess I could have turned out worse but I still want to go back to school

  21. I wish I was in a better spot, but I’m doing way better than I thought I’d be doing when I was a teenager/early college. So it’s not all bad I guess.

  22. Yes. I can be extremely hard on myself but with time I have learned that I am resilient, I love people well, I respect others and am curious, and after experiencing a significant loss I am a better person on the other side.

  23. If you’d have asked me a year ago I would have said yes. But then I lost my dream job to a psychotic episode and have been trying to rebuild my life since then. I am not where I want to be and worry that I’ll never achieve the stability to pick up the pieces and move on. I am unemployed, fat and constantly angry.

  24. I am proud of elements of myself, but I’m being held back by chronic sinusitis that I developed while working overseas and that sent my self-esteem into decline. Currently unemployed living at home trying to figure my health out. I’m not proud of that but it’s also not really in my control that I’ve been affected by this.

    However, I am proud of my intelligence, curiosity, empathy and high levels of passion for the things and people I care about. I’m proud of my improved ability to cut off those people who are toxic and mistreat me, compared to a few years ago where I felt more needy of external validation. I’m also proud of my ability to stick to my principles and my inability to respect unprincipled people. The latter comes quite naturally and intuitively these days, though.

  25. I’d say I’m neutral. I make a good living, I’m in a loving relationship, I’ve seen a good amount of the world, I’m a good person to others…. But also, i keep myself relatively comfortable, I’m not currently learning anything or pushing myself to grow, I’ve been traveling 5 years for work so don’t have any close relationships with friends or family at this point. I’m average.

  26. not really. i’m only 18 so i’ve still got time left but when i was younger i had rly big dreams. but i’m just not smart enough or capable enough to fulfill them and i have to cope with that

  27. I am happy with whom I am, even though there is still much that can be improved, but we will get there eventually.

  28. Oh absolutely. I love the person I’ve become. I don’t think me 10 years ago would believe the life, confidence, and outlook on life I have now. I navigated so many things that used to feel impossible and scary to me and made it out the other side better than I ever could’ve imagined.

  29. Fuck yeah

    When I was a teenager I was homeless and unemployed, my life consisted of trying not to die or have worse things happen to me

    I’m 25 now, live with my amazing girlfriend, we have three kids and a nice home and I get to spend my days focused on being a great mom

    To get here I went through so much pain, so many risks, I illegally traveled almost 3000 miles in an unregistered car to a new city on the unsure promise of a job that might not have been real

    I’ve survived so much bullshit, I’m proud of myself for even being alive

  30. Yes, I’m the person neglected as in abuse me needed as a child for other children.

  31. I honestly don’t know. I have this very confortable life that I built for myself, but I literally never done anything good for the world and I hate myself for that.

  32. Sometimes. I’ve come a long way from where I used to be and have accomplished things I never would have dreamed of. Yet, I feel discouraged by how far I still have to go and still have many flaws/poor traits that I’m not proud of.

    I do believe that as people we are constantly growing and if you feel you don’t have any room to grow, you probably need to more than most. All you can do is keep trying, ya know?

  33. Yes. I have survived things I never imagined I’d go through and have come out of them with more empathy and strength that I never had before.

  34. I am. I am independant. I live alone in my appartment.
    In the past year I was able to recognize that my old relationship wasnt for me any more and I put an end to it despite it being 8 years long.
    I am able to recognize my flaws and the things I want to change in me so that I do not repeat the abuse I have been subject to in the past.
    I have found a carreer that I like and that I can flourish in.

  35. Of course. Went through so much trauma, depression and abuse and still able to get over it, meet my life partner (my dream man + dream qualities), travelled to all sorts of places, worked at my dream companies and getting married in a month. Life works out in amazing ways when you least expect it!

  36. After therapy and some healing I no longer let people walk over me. I communicate my boundaries and I’m willing to throw people out of my life if they doesn’t respected them.

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