I’m a junior in college, and trying to save money for a car. But I’m still very unsure about whether I should accept the offer and live with him, or just rent an apartment myself. I know many people would not recommend moving in with him, since it’s only been 8 (3 months long-distance) months.
I’m an international student (in the US) currently living on campus, and I’m at my boyfriend’s place the majority of the time. I’m planning to move out of the dorms since it’s very expensive and started looking for housing. My boyfriend offered me to stay at his place, without paying rent. He does have an extra bedroom that he doesn’t use, and said I can move into that one. We get along super well and are very compatible and as said before I’ve been coming over to his place and sleeping over almost every day. Is 8 months too short of a time to get to know someone enough to live with? What are the pros and cons that I should consider before making a decision? I don’t have anybody to talk to about it.

Edit: Appreciate all the inputs. I did weight out the risk of what would happen if sth happens and we break up. He said that he would put me on the lease so that things wouldn’t be too uncertain on my side. I offered to pay the wifi and half of the groceries and he agreed. But I decided to play safe and rent my own place. Thank you.

TL;DR: My (F20) boyfriend (M27) of 8 months offered me to live with him rent-free, and I can’t decide

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