I saw a Tiktok video of a woman who was on a date with a man. She was telling the story how their date went and she said she won’t see him again. The man asked, “Who are these other guys that I am in competition with?”

And her answer was, “ other guys? No. You are in competition with me. You’re competing against me because listen. I’m f**king great. I’m fun! I know how to do everything for myself but what is going timmake you special enough for me to wanna share my life.”

I hope people do not argue much in the comments. I was just wondering what would you have said as a woman if this was asked to you by a guy? What is the correct response to such question?

And for the guys, what would be your reaction and response if a woman you were seeing said this to you as response?

Was supposed to upload a screenshot of the Tiktok but images aren’t allowed on this post

Imo, wish she worded it properly so it won’t sound so strong. She had a point.

I am not defending the guy. He should have not asked that question as well wether he was joking or serious. What I was saying is that the way she worded her reply was too direct. She has valid points.

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