So I’ve been dating this guy since January. Went on a couple of dates, and had fun. It wasn’t until the end of March he confessed that he was falling for me. He was so amazing, cooked me dinner, and always wanted to see me. It was him who constantly initiated everything because I admit I wasn’t really crazy for him yet. But that changed in March. And we’ve talked about that none of us were really ready to be in a relationship so we decided to just take things slow. And on April he called while being drunk saying he hated the fact that we weren’t a couple. I was so happy because I was also thinking the same. And so we became official. However, after a week or two, I sensed that he was pulling away. He didn’t answer my snaps for hours, I saw him maybe twice a week, and I felt like I was just annoying him. I even cried myself to sleep a couple of times because I was so confused. He went from saying ‘I love you’ and ‘I didn’t believe I was gonna find love ever again till I met you’, to being too busy to see me. And when we did see each other, he was just on his phone playing games. And one evening he asked why I was being so quiet so I told him that I felt like he didn’t like me anymore. He told me that he did, but that being in a relationship is a lot of responsibility and that it got serious so fast. And I started crying ofc. He kept saying that his feelings for me has not changed and that we can talk about this. But I was too emotional and sad to hear his explanation so I left his apt. I recieved no texts, calls or anything. I stupidily drunk texted him my feelings while being out, and all he did was leave me on read. Next day I asked if we could maybe talk, and no answer. I texted again saying that I want this to work but that he as to respond, he did and said we could talk next Friday (this was a Sunday), but I couldn’t wait that long. Then I said that it’s better if we maybe talk on Monday, no response. Next day I texted saying that it’s not ok to go for long periods with no response, he then said we could talk that evening. Then I asked when we could meet up (we live 10 mins away from each other) and he said ‘meet? I barely have time for that I thought you meant phone call’, and that was my last straw. I basically told him that I had to cut him off, because this was just too painful. I mean, he can’t take 20-30 mins of his day to work things out with someone he supposedly loves? And on Tuesday evening, he called me while drunk saying he wanted to talk to me and that he understood how bad he was. And that is the last I’ve heard from him. I know I cut him off but a part of me wants him to fight for me.

I know this is long sry. I’m just so heartbroken and angry and confused. That a guy can switch up so fast, I feel so betrayed. Like, did he lie this whole time? Did he even love me? Do I text him?

  1. Don’t text him. This guy is immature and wishy washy and messing with your feelings. Whoever goes from not busy to busy all of a sudden with no explanation and constantly ignoring you is probably lying about something. He doesn’t seem worth the effort to me. I think you should move on

  2. If it makes you feel any better I just got broken up with for the second time by the same girl out of the blue, who supposedly loved me and as long as she had me everything would be okay 👍🏼

  3. When words say I love you and actions say “meh”, always trust the actions. I’m really sorry you’re dealing with this, but if this guy put up a “fight” for you it would last only long enough for them to disappoint you again.

  4. Before I give advice, I need to understand this timeline. You say he told you he was falling for you at the end of March, but then said things went downhill in March. Was that a typo?

  5. This guy is too emotionally immature for you. It’s wrong to leave somebody hanging like that, especially considering you already had entered into a relationship and confessed love. You deserve a timely response, especially considering you were being vulnerable with him and wanted to work things out. It’s clear he was evading your texts and basically distancing himself from you. Also calling you only when drunk to try to figure shit out is not a good look and conveys how he doesn’t consider you or the relationship seriously. I agree with you, if he really cared about fixing things, he would’ve taken half an hour, an hour, four hours, however much it took out of his day, or multiple days, to see you. He clearly doesn’t value you.

    I do believe he felt things for you all this time but I also believe he’s emotionally immature, inconsistent, and definitely not worth your time. Cut your losses, there’ll be a lot more people out there who will properly value you. I know it stings as this seemed so exciting earlier, but better to find out the incompatibility now than later!

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