My(28) husband(31) over the last year and a bit has really gotten into golf.. which in the beginning I didn’t mind because he was getting out of the house and doing something he enjoyed! But after the first few months, it became his entire personality.. watching golfing videos on YouTube, always looking at new golf clubs, talking about golf every chance he gets.. he even joined a winter golf sim league… This has been causing issues because it’s all he wants to do. It intervenes in absolutely everything. If I seem moody after he’s asked if I mind if he goes golfing with his buddy, then he starts going at me saying “it’s not my fault you don’t have a hobby” or “it’s not fault you don’t have any friends to hang out with” we have been together almost 10 years, married almost a year, and I am fed up, at my wits freaking end with this. It’s constant fighting.. He also bitches that we need to be saving for a down payment on a house, and we need to pay off the visa, yet he’s going to the range at least 2 days a week, and going and doing a full 18 once a week now that the courses are open. I feel like I don’t know how to talk to him without starting a fight because my feelings are so strong and my emotions are so high… thanks for listening to my vent!

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