My (18F) bf (19M) will not stop invalidating my feelings whenever I bring up an issue that bothers me to him. We have been together for seven months. I kind of know the correct answer, that I should indeed break up with him, but I don’t have the courage to. We have broken up in the past, but got back together, and for a while things were looking up and getting better. But recently things have been rocky, and every time I say to him that something he did may have upset me he complains to me that “I always fight about little things” and that he’s exhausted. I’m honestly so heartbroken because I love this man more than life, but I know I deserve better when it comes to this stuff. We have no issues besides when I bring something up, it always explodes into chaos and he makes me feel shitty by minimizing my feelings and making me feel crazy for being upset. I’m so upset because I want to work out with him so bad, but it seems like every time I bring up something that upsets me, he turns the situation on to me and blames me. I’ve tried to explain to him that when I bring something up, I’m looking for a conversation where I can speak about why I’m upset, and I’m not trying to villainize him; just trying to explain why something he did may have upset me and to talk about it. But every time I do, I end up crying and feeling worthless about myself because he never can take accountability/ even see where I am coming from. I love him so much, but I know I deserve better: please help, any advice is greatly appreciated/words of courage to help me.

tl;dr my bf invalidates my feelings every time I’m upset, Help!

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