Please keep this annonmmous.
I have been with my boyfriend for some months now and he is my dream man . I really love him, we share the same values and he treats me well. We have talked about marriage as this is my goal. I’m 24 he is 33 and has a 10 year old in another state that he supports.
2 days ago, I messaged him. I got a message back cursing me out and a women saying she’s his baby mother and that their baby is 5 months old ! What the f**!!! She told me numerous details and really made sure to hurt my feelings. A month ago I had my car windshield broken in and my boyfriend made up this elaborate story of a crazy roommate and I believed him. He says he was going to tell me that he loves me and that he wanted to try to get the situation under control and also going to get a paternity test. He says he didn’t want to drag me into drama and that I don’t deserve that. I bekive the women is also very crazy and agressive I didn’t know about her and she broke my windshield who does that. She has also broken into the house and broke his computers and etc . While she was in the house he was calling me and texting me he didn’t know I found out. He says he was going to tell me and propose on our vacation in 3 weeks. I am so at lost. He never had any red flags he’s truly the love of my life. I just can’t believe he wouldn’t tell me. As a Christian I am trying to not judge and give him grace because we all make mistakes. I don’t know to forgive him and hold his hand thru this or walk away….i bekive he has been telling her my buisness and downplaying our relationship to save face . In my head I’m thinking maybe he only sees her to keep the peace? Or is he just this horrible and wanted to have his cake and eat it too? I truly believe he is being honest about proposing as he was hinting towards it lately. I wonder how much of lies the baby mama is making up or if everything she said is true. I have her number but I blocked her she keeps trying to check in on me. I am at a loss please help.

TL;RD can it a secret baby be forgiven if he neees a paternity test first?

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