I just got thru a break up (ltr of 2 years) and shes the only one i confided in about this whole thing. She also knows the ex personally.

I’m usually the one to initiate us going out, but she hasn’t declined my request for us to go out and do something. She has also invited me over to her house and to family Events. I’ve also noticed when I talk about other girls or what I look for in a girl she gets quiet and acts as tho I didn’t say anything. We dont text everyday tho, its very on and off but when we do its good conversation. We both have our own thing going on concerning goals and purposes.
When we go out we get asked multiple times if we’re together too.

Sometimes I get the vibe that she’s attracted to me. She touches me everytime I see her, even if it’s play punching me. The other day we went out and we crossed a road and, both times we crossed the road, she held my upper arm. She also got really dressed up when we went out, makeup and wore pretty tight clothes, even though we were just going to the beach. I’m just a boy so I can’t lie, she did look good.

There were several times on other occasions when she also gestured for me to touch her. like she’d ask me to feel her eyebrow and on another occasion she showed me a bump on her hip, I asked if I can feel it and she agreed. those are just a few that pop into mind.

This may seem normal, but from what I know of her, she’s very finicky about being touched by people. she doesn’t even like being hugged by her family. But she’s had no problem with me breaking the touch barrier for example . she’s never had a problem with me wiping sleep out of her eye, or if she had something on her face, me guiding her thru a door way/crowd (put my hand on her back), I always just deduced she was simply just comfortable with me.

She also gives me solid eye contact and smiles when I look into her eyes, even when nothing is being said. laughs at my jokes even if ik they weren’t that funny.

at first I was convinced she was just comfortable with me and sees me as a brother, but there was always an inkling that there was some sort of attraction towards me on her end. and I think going out and hearing what ppl think it makes u kind of think too.

From just what I shared, does my claim of possible attraction seem evident? or could it just be that’s she’s comfortable with me. how do i know if she is one or the other? is there a way i can ask without, being too obvious that im curious she finds me attractive?

Tl;dr: A girl I’m close too and I get along well. But a part of me senses attraction between us and I’m not sure what to make of it.

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