The other day, the woman (F39) I’ve (M44) been seeing for around two months asked me why I was still active on bumble. It caught me completely by surprise because I deleted the app over a month ago. I told her as much and asked her why she thought I was. She said that my location had reappeared on my profile (she said she’d gone on to find the name of the coffee shop where we had our first date, which I believe). I assured her that I had not been on since March and that I had zero interest in dating anyone else (this turned out to be our first conversation about exclusivity, so silver lining I guess?). She said she believed me and that as far as she was concerned the matter was closed. She also said she was going to delete the app.

All good, right? You’d think so, but I couldn’t get it out of my mind that she might have some lingering doubt. So the next morning I reached out to Bumble to get a data report that shows the date of my last login. They sent me some follow-up questions and I expect to get the data soon.

So here’s my question: what do I do with the report once I get it? Showing her I haven’t been active will put to rest any doubt she may have, but she’s already told me that she has no doubt. Should I just keep it in my back pocket unless it comes up again? If I show her, I’m afraid I’ll come off as…well to be honest I’m not even sure what I’ll come off as. But I don’t want to hold it back because I was waiting to show her before I went in to delete my profile (I feel like I’ll look like I’m hiding something if I go in and get rid of my profile after that conversation). What would you do?

tl;dr: I’ve asked Bumble for proof that I haven’t been active for a month, but I don’t know if I should share the info as GF already says she believes me.

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