*Title says it all but just to elaborate….*
My husband and I have been married for 5 years and together for 11. We get along incredibly well for the most part and I honestly believe he’s the person I am meant to grow old with.

But I’m *beyond* exhausted from arguing about the same three topics day in and day out:

1. He doesn’t communicate much or, when he does, he’s not clear – He doesn’t say what he means, he beats around the bush or he just doesn’t talk at all (like asking how my day is or elaborating on topics that I bring up). He constantly says he’s “not much of a talker but will work on it”. I’ve seen no progress over the years.

2. Money – I know everyone argues about this but he constantly spends money on wants instead of saving for needs. Now we’re in a situation where we’ve drained our savings and need to borrow against the house to recover our losses.

3. He’s lazy and, sometimes, inconsiderate – On the weekends he could wake up at a decent hour and help me out with our young baby or do some household chores, like make breakfast or run the laundry. But no. His sleep is more important. Every decision I make is with him or our child in mind but that door doesn’t swing both ways.

Has anyone resolved these issues in ways like setting a *super* strict budget, separating your bank accounts, marriage counselling, splitting up the chores more definitively?
I need long-term, lasting solutions because I’m at my wits end.

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