My boyfriend and I are together almost 3 years now and also live together since 1 year. He is also my first relationship, so I am pretty attached to him.

A little bit of Backstory: We only went on one trip together for 4 days. The first year he went away with his family to Asia. Last year we wanted to travel together but he started a new job and could not get off right away, I understood that. I also supported him to get this job because he was really unhappy with his old job. He promised me that we will go together this year for sure.

Well, his parents invited him to go on a family trip to Asia again for this year, exactly the same time we planned out trip. He took their offer and canceled our plans. He will be going for 1 month.

Now the thing I am very mad and disappointed about is, that he just decided (without talking to me first) to stay for 4 months in Asia, 1 month with his friend, and the test alone. I was very mad that he didnt talk to me first, he never mentioned something like this before and for me it was out of the blue. Also that he just decided this without talking to me first.

When I confronted him about it, he told me that this has nothing to do with me and I don’t have the right to have an opinion about that and it does not involve me and he will go and there is nothing I can do. I mean he can go but to say it does not involve me? I mean I am part of that relationship too and isn‘t it important to talk to your partner first before decision something like this? Maybe I don’t want to have a long distance relationship for 4 months

I just feel like he behaved really selfish and I am just disappointed that he made that decision by himself and cancelled our trip.
He also suddenly said that he would not have money anyway to go on a trip with me (his parents are paying the vacation for him).

He also said if it wasnt for me he would be gone for 10 months and I should be happy it will only be 4 months. AGAIN, HE NEVER MEINTIONED ANY PLANS LIKE THIS OUR WHOLE REALTIONSHIP!!

I am just so mad and feel betrayed and blindsided. He feels like I am not supporting him but I just can’t support him with the way he handled that. I am seriously thinking about breaking up with him. I just can’t trust him anymore and think he will make decisions behind my back, like eg. taking a job and moving to another city or something like that. But I don’t know if I may be over dramatising this whole thing. My friends think I am right but they are my friends so maybe they are kind of biased.

I would love to hear other opinions, I just can’t stop thinking about this whole situation. I am scared that I make a mistake breaking up with him over this and will regret it.

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