How do you deal with being flaked by women?

  1. Meh, a person like that isnt worth my time. They weeded themselves out

  2. There is no one definitive way to deal with being flaked on by women. Some men may shrug it off and move on, while others may be more upset and take it personally. If you find yourself getting upset or taking it personally when a woman flakes on you, it might be helpful to try to understand why she did it. Was there something you said or did that made her feel uncomfortable Or was she just not interested in you Once you understand the reasons behind her flaking, you can work on avoiding similar situations in the future.

  3. Move on. If they aren’t interested then move on.

    What else were you expecting people will say?

  4. I try not to get women attention tbh. Not cuz I’m tryna be a dick but because I’d rather worry about what I personally got going on then someone else and tryna seek pleasure or attention from them.

  5. Set up another date in the same weekend. Not avoidance. Just acceptance. Her loss.

  6. By realizing you’ve won. I’d much rather lose a flake early than be ghosted after 3 or 4 dates

  7. In any kind of rejection just tell yourself it wasn’t going to work out anyways, and you don’t wanna be with someone if its not going to work out

  8. Cliche as it is …. Dust off your shoulders and keep going.

    Unsure of your age OP, but something that becomes clearer over time is that there is no sense in wondering why someone flaked on you, doubly so if they’re just a fringe friend or fling.

    So they flaked on you? You know what? Good. Be happy that they did. Be happy they loudly announced how much value they placed on your “relationship” or otherwise.

    It becomes way easier with this attitude, and in the future you will really really appreciate people who make it known that they’d like to see you / be around you.

    A month ago a lady and I set up a date a week out, fast forward to the day of and I never heard from her. I like to give people the benefit of the doubt, but once an hour past our set time had gone by, I knew I wouldn’t hear from her.

    You know what I did? I turned on ol-reliable, strapped the headset to my skull, lit a joint and with a smile on my face asked the boys “where we droppin?”

    If they aren’t worried about seeing you don’t be worried about seeing them.

  9. Just move on. You get to go do whatever it is that you like to do instead of hanging out with some woman who doesn’t appreciate you.

  10. Find a lady who listens and loves you for who you are. There isn’t just one for you. There are thousands out there that are compatible. You are looking in the wrong places. 🙂

  11. Drink the other drink I ordered, eat my meal, scroll reddit. Walk/Drive how crying, feeling sad knowing that huzzy missed out on a legend.

  12. make plans with with her hottest friend and show her the night of her life, getting her attached to you and then move on..

    1. it show here what she could’ve had while denying her.

    2. allows you to live rent free in their heads.

    3. it builds a lil resentment between them via jealousy.

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