My boyfriend (23M) and I (22F) have been dating for a few months now. Overall he’s great and I’m pretty happy with him but there are times where I feel he doesn’t care as much as I do. He’ll always says meaningful stuff to me (e.g. I miss you, I love you, you mean the world to me, etc.) but rarely does things that make me feel special. For example, he’s never taken me out on a proper date, he doesn’t know the day of our anniversary and doesn’t make other small gestures. One day I travelled a really long time in terrible weather to see him after I had worked a full day and when it was his turn to come over to mine, he slept in till past noon and then woke up and started gaming instead. I brought it up to him and he apologised but it’s not the first time something like that has happened. I get that some guys are more romantic than others in relationships and I don’t want to seem too needy/pushy but it does hurt at times because I always do the most for the relationship and he does ‘bare minimum’ despite telling me how much he loves me. Am I overreacting or should I expect more from him? (Also, I know some people might think I should just leave him if he doesn’t fit my needs but he means a lot to me and I’d rather find a way past this)

TL;DR My boyfriend doesn’t put as much effort into our relationship as I do but not sure if it’s just the way some people are.

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