First time poster so bare with me

I (30M) have fallen in love with my girlfriends sister inlaw. (27 F) My girlfriend and I were together for (4 years) (28 F) with a lot of updates and downs throughout our relationship and have grown apart. We’ve tried to make things work but I just didn’t see myself spending the rest of my life with her. Her sister inlaw “her brothers wife” we’ll call her Jessica has been with her husband 10 years they have 2 little boys. Hes cheated on her for the course of their relationship and she has suffered physical and metal abuse throughout the course of their relationship. He always says hes sorry and this wont happen again but it eventually does.

We hit things off approximately 18 months ago as innocent talking back and forth via snapchat. Things got heated very quickly and turned sexual we’ve been in a 18 month affair. She tells me she loves me she doesn’t want to be with him and she hasn’t been happy in years and will never be able to trust him for the things hes done.

I truly love her and her children. And can see myself spending the rest of my life with her. I’ve been through plenty of relationships and nothing has ever felt like this bond we share im deeply and madly in love with this woman and will go to the ends of the earth for her.

She says she wants me 110% and marry me she whats to give me my first child even turned down the doctors recommendations for a hysterectomy just so she can have a child with me when we do get together. but is scared for the divorce due to the physical and mental abuse that he has put her and their children through.

I honestly don’t know what to do?
I love her very very much and want to marry her she quit wearing her wedding ring and gave it to me to throw off a bridge becuase she’s done with him she claims.

But she says she is confused. She wants me 110% I bring her happiness and motivation and drive to do better in life while her husband does none of that.
And on the other hand she’s scared to leave her husband due to physical and metal abuse and the children being in a split home. So she’s willing to sacrifice her happiness and continue to be miserable for the sake of her 2 children.

TL;DR we’ve fallen in love but she’s scared to leave her husband due to physical and mental abuse

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