Last month I (22F) matched with a guy (22M) on bumble, our texts vibes and we switched to Instagram. We went out for a date as well, it was happy and we maintained contact everyday ever since. One day, he left me on delivery and unfollowed me on instagram. I requested back and asked him what’s wrong on Bumble, the next day he added me back and apologise for what he have done to me. Then we started to talk again like usual, however, he blocked me today. I asked him if we can call last night and he was playing cards and drinking with his friends so I said oh guess I’m calling you tomorrow. Then I woke up today, called him, no response and realized I might be a bit over so I texted can we call? He left me on read for a while then I found I was blocked. I don’t know what he thinks right now, because there’s nothing wrong between us.

  1. What was the status before this? Were you two planning the 2nd date? Did you reject the plan? There was no plan?

    Details needed.

  2. Trying to know why people do what they do is a waste of time OP.

    It could be any of a millions reasons.

    Maybe he has a GF and she caught him.

    Maybe he found another girl he likes more.

    Don’t chase after men.

    Either they want to talk and see you or they don’t.

    Forget this dude and move on to the next guy.

    Eventually one will stick.

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