How’s the friendship going and what do you like about them? Tell us all about it.

  1. At an NA meeting ha. It’s going well, I guess. I like my alone time so don’t feel the need to constantly be in touch with friends and she’s the same so that’s cool. I like that they’re kind and strong and working towards a better life for themselves.

  2. Over the past few months, I’ve made friends with a woman here on Reddit. I like that she’s wise and insightful. And she doesn’t judge me. Talking with her has been hugely helpful to me, and she means a lot to me. She said, in turn, has said that my efforts to work on myself have inspired her to do the same, and I was touched.

  3. My hairdresser and I have become friends, we hang out outside of appointments. It’s going fine; I don’t have any expectations. She’s fun to be around. She is loud and wild and I’m more quiet and reserved. We have similar opinions on a lot of things so she helps me come out of my shell a little bit.

  4. I went to a Meetup surf group. I was real cranky that day.. going through a breakup. Was overall feeling bitter and I saw this pretty girl and most of me was just feeling resentful at the world, not pretty myself, and petty that I wanted to just ignore her even though she was not too far from me in the ocean but I told myself just humble your heart and say hi. So I did.and that was about 5 years ago and man so glad I didn’t give into my prideful heart. She is loyal, kind, intelligent, non-judgemental ( saw someone else post that quality about their friend down below also), and she loves to stay active. We went kayaking yesterday.

    Almost missed out on that one. Oh and we also travelled across the world together 🥲

  5. 8 months ago I moved to a new city. I met a girl on a Facebook group. I now hangout with her, her boy friend, and another guy we met playing sports. The friendship is going very well!

  6. Don’t know if this counts, but last week I ALMOST made a friend at campus. We were having a nice chat and I helped her find a room at the Uni building. And then we just awkwardly said goodbye to each other, without making any friendships moves lmao. I kinda regret not saying anything

  7. I have made 2 women friends during covid. Both of them are women that I go for outdoor walks with. One of them I’ve started hiking with 3 times a week early in the morning, the other one I walk most weeks (not always) once a week with, along with her dog. One woman I bumped into while walking. I was walking with family, she was alone, and I had met her previously through an ex boyfriend and since i already knew her I reconnected with her and asked for her phone number. The other woman is a neighbor and my mom suggested I reach out to her. I was walking and bumped into her and asked for her number, now we walk together most weeks. walking has been a good way to socialize during covid because outdoor socializing is less risky. I live in a state with pretty good weather so that makes it easier for sure. I think if I wanted to meet more people I might try, that’s a good way to meet people in person.

  8. I went to my friend’s work party and one of the extroverts started drunkenly venting to me about life problems and I just went with it. I saw she had a Star Trek tattoo and we spent the whole night talking about Vulcans. By the time she sobered up, we had exchanged numbers and made plans to hang out

  9. There are about 3 that come to mind, and they’ve all been through mutual friends in the past couple of years. I’ve only spent one on one time with one of them, the others we have casual conversations over social media or whenever we see each other in person.

  10. The last two friends I made, one was a coworker, and the other we met through mutual friends on Facebook and eventually met in person to hang out. I genuinely enjoy both of these friendships, both friends are easy to talk to, hilarious, and understanding.

  11. I used bumble bff! We went out for dinner and hit it off. Now I invite her to my friend gatherings and it’s been great.

  12. Yesterday! I connected with a woman my own age at the Y water exercise class. Mostly it’s people 10-30 years older than I am, which is fine, I’ve met some cool ass older women too, but we really hit it off and she’s my age.

    It’s still the very early stages of friendship, but I think we could be great friends with time.

  13. I failed an exam by a couple marks and stood outside the building with my paper so mad lol, some girl stood beside also in disbelief as the exact same thing happened to her. We looked up instantly knew what happened and we got chatting and swapped numbers.

    I said Im going to create a study group so keep in touch. And just like that, friend/accquaintance gained.

  14. Met someone in a bookstore, I saw her picking out a book from a series I’m currently reading. Made a comment about it, turns out we’re both big fans of the author. We’re now following each other on instagram and I’m planning on messaging her when I finish the series (which could be today or tomorrow).

  15. At work! Now my buddy Carlos is my work husband Haha we instantly clicked and get each other.

  16. My newest friend is probably my coworker.

    I like that she understands me and I understand her. She can just be kinda flaky with plans (plans that she makes even), and sometimes I think she doesn’t care about other people’s feelings/time. She’s going through a lot right now though, so I feel for her.

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