I’ m so afraid to speak in public that i even give answer in classroom and also when i ‘m alone i can dance pretty well but in public if i have show my talent i get really really nervous most of time i want to give answer in classroom and show my talent to others but i start over analysing what if i my answer is wrong and everyone start laughing at me same goes with dancing what if nobody’s likes it or not how to overcome this fear if any one have advice please share

  1. Sometimes confidence starts with the feeling of faking it. Push yourself out of your comfort zone and eventually it will get easier.

  2. Advice from someone who’s way too confident in situations like that: It hurts when you screw up, yes, but it’s not the end of the world. Allow yourself to try your best.
    And frankly, people who laugh at others who give a wrong answer in class are not the kind of people whose respect you need. Their behaviour is way more embarrassing than your answer could’ve possibly been.

  3. Thank you for giving me your valuable advice, you are right from now on i will think like this.

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