I have come to the conclusion that 99% of people don’t care what you say or who you are and would much rather have every interaction centered on them. So, now I can only enjoy friendships where every interaction is centered on the other person, they talk about themself the entire time while I tell them how cool and interesting they are.

When I’m friends with normal people who actually ask me questions back, it is extremely unbearable and frustrating unless I lie about myself the entire time to cater to their interests. I don’t want anyone to know anything about me because I’m scared of them getting bored of me talking about myself because almost every single time I talk about myself, the person seems disinterested and doesn’t like me anymore.

People say it’s manipulation to center every interaction on the other person and pretend like I care about them and lie about myself to make them like me but I believe people truly do not care about anyone but themself and would much rather just talk about themself the entire time. I cannot comprehend what people mean when they say that people genuinely care about you.

What am I doing wrong?

(I can’t post comments with this account for some reason but I want to respond so I’ll use an alt)

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