society lacks empathy and is unable to admit its own flaws in the broken system thats failed many many people. it does fuck all to resolve any issues among society it has next to no ability to be nice to one another esp online so whats the point? we are told to hate ourselves then told to love ourselves we are told so much bullshit that we dont know the whole story and people will believe anything theyre told so whats the point?

society lacks so much in its own ways of communicating despite having all these modern devices it does not care for those who fall behind in life it does not care if so and so receives hate or backlash it does not care for those on the streets it does not care for those who cant get a decent education it does not care full stop

modern society is getting out of hand its almost got to the point where no ones accountable for their own behaviour nor how they treat others is ignored most of the time bc society doesnt give two shits if some of us are dead or alive bc we arent in on the rat race the same rat race is the reason why many of us are left out of success or people just hate those who are trying to be individual instead of being like every other typical twat thats out there

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