I used to have a lot of friends to hang out with, until September when I got in a pretty bad depression and I needed time to heal, and I lost all the friendships somehow. I had a discussion with them saying the reasons why I couldn’t hang out with them and they say they understand, it’s just that they never seem to invite me anywhere anymore. And I get that I have a fault in this.

I am a really friendly person, or I used to be. I never failed in making new friends, honestly all the group now is made because of me mostly. I often would meet someone new and just integrated them in the group. And now I have no one.

the thing is, I’m going to university in another city in a couple of months, and I’m so happy that I’ll finally get a fresh start because all the loss caused me a lot of sadness and frustration. I am afraid because I feel like maybe this time I won’t succeed in making new friends, or even a relationship. Now it just feel like such a hard task for me. I don’t want a lot of friends actually, I just need someone who I can hangout with and that cares about me.

I don’t know how to deal with the loneliness now, it really hurts me

1 comment
  1. You can always reach out first to your old friends now, always worth it even if they ghost you at least you know to move on. Tbh if I didn’t reach out first or my old friends I would’ve almost lost all of them lol

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