i always get nervous for interviews because im constantly thinking about whether i will be perceived as awkward or not. i didnt practice at all and tried to be myself rather than rehearse a script that would make me sound 100x better than i actually am. since i applied for a sales position, we did a roleplaying assessment at the end of the interview which i was freaking out about. i was told to try and sell her something. i can confirm that i was definitely stumbling over my words, plus some things didnt sound like it made sense, but i was laughing it off with her. i think i gave off “awkwardly charming”? i tried to seem confident, it worked out in my favor. she even said that if she had the word, she would definitely hire me.

the second interview was quite literally 5 minutes. but i answered the questions effectively 🙂 i somehow didnt even need to practice and just tried to be myself. she said that im a strong candidate, but she has to wait for the manager to decide.

it felt quite powerful overall. i think i underestimate myself. i have another followup interview so wish me luck 🙂

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