How much time do you spend on your hair in the morning?

  1. Natural hair 0 time, if I’m putting on a wig, depends how I want to style it, but usually takes me about 5min lol

  2. Around 1 or 2 minutes, I just comb and brush it. I wash it in the evening since I let it air dry.

  3. I’m bald, so… 10-15 seconds a week on nose and ear hair though. 😁

  4. 0 seconds

    I go from my bed to the bathroom to my work desk lol. I’ll brush my hair after a shower though!

  5. Most mornings about 10-15 mins to dry, straighten and brush it. Longer if it’s before going out though!

  6. I put it down because I have a shower on a nighttime instead of the morning and my hair is all puffy in the morning

  7. When I’m not in a depression spiral and actually take care of my hair….5 minutes or so. Run a brush through it, add some mousse, and go.

    Right now? I need to spend about 3 hours repairing it.

  8. Ten minutes including shampoo and conditioner unless I’m wearing a topper then 15.

  9. Like a few minutes. I normally put it in a bun and call it a day lol however if I’m going on a date, maybe more than a few min

  10. Short haired gal here. Propapbly like 3 minutes, because I trim down my “helmet” to 2 cm once in a month. 😆

  11. Less than 5 minutes styling it but it takes 2 hours to air dry (so annoying but heat styling is a big no for me)

  12. Less than 1 minute brushing it. I have naturally stick straight hair so it’s easy to deal with. I wash it at night and let it air dry just brush and go in the morning

  13. If I’ve washed it, I put curl cream on it and leave it in a special towel on top of my head until I think it might be only damp and then I let it out and let the rest of it air dry. If not, I put it up in a claw clip.

  14. No time. I have super thick and super long curly hair and I leave in god’s hand because I’m not gonna spend like two hours taming it if it looks bad.

  15. ~5 to 10 active minutes (misting, applying leave-in conditioner, combing, and applying curl cream) and then an hour + of air drying

  16. Kinder relieved I’m not the only one saying no time. My friends seem to put in a lot of effort, straightening and curling. I don’t ever feel I have
    the time and motivation for it it. Messy bun and done

  17. About a minute every couple of days – that’s about how long it takes to run my SkullShaver over my head.

  18. Maybe a minute, I braid my hair into pig tails for over night. Sometimes I’ll spend a couple more minutes if I play with my bangs or do a certain style. I generally only brush my hair after a shower.

  19. Like 20-30mins or goes up on a bun, if not I look like a lion if I don’t do something with it

  20. 30 seconds to put it up in a weird bun. Evenings though maybe 15 minutes to style it

  21. I get a Brazilian every 5-6 months. So I wash and comb. It dries naturally. I have an easy routine.

    I also dry shampoo in between washing to extend my washing days. It’s good for your hair and hair growth

  22. Probably about 15-20 mins. I wash it every day because of greasy roots and dry ends. I tried leaving it a few days during lockdown but it just looked worse and worse!

  23. 1 min.

    I work from home.

    My wife works out of the house and spends prob 5 mins on it.

  24. Usually under 5 minutes for work days. If I’m going out for something I’ll spend like 10-15 minutes getting it just right.

  25. Essentially none. My hair has two styles–down and combed straight, or up in a low ponytail. I shower at night, so no time spent to wash and dry in the morning.

  26. I used to spend about 30 minutes straightening my hair for work every few days.

    Since working from home I spend 0 time.

    But going back to office I decide to get japanese hair straightening, I.e. permanent straightening. So now I spend 5 seconds brushing and maybe a few min to tie it into a high pony tail if I choose to (I’m bad at tying hair so it takes me a while).

  27. 1-15 minutes. I don’t wash every day these days because of hair color so on those days, I take it out of my sleeping bun and re-bun it, which takes a minute. On a wash day, if I blow dry, then it’s about 2 minutes of putting in products and the rest blow drying.

  28. Depends on what time of year it is and if it’s a hair washing day. Winter and wash day, around 45 minutes. Winter and non wash day 1 minute. Summer and wash day 20-25 minutes. Summer and non wash day 1-5 minutes.

  29. It depends. A minute if all I do is brush it. If I’m in the mood to doll up, it ranges from 15 minutes to an hour

  30. Today, about 5 minutes. I need to do something to it before hubby gets home…

  31. Under 25 minutes for my whole getting ready routine. I’m not entirely sure because I wash, roll into a towel, do my primer, pull my hair down, brush and add products, do more of my makeup while i air dry a bit, blow dry my roots a bit, air dry while I continue my make up and so on. I’m up at 815 and downstairs by 838 every day.

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