My husband (39m) and I (34F) are in agreement we need to get out of the state we live in to do better in our careers. I have a Masters degree in accounting and we decided I’ll move in with my mom in Pennsylvania to get it (We currently live in East Kentucky) up there the work requirement is better. It says 1600 hours over 5 years and says tax work is acceptable. Kentucky is 2000 over 2 years and it’s vauge on if tax counts. Plus there’s more work in her area so I could get something better than here. Getting work here is awful. I’ve applied at a few places in PA and got callbacks and interviews etc so my chances are better for off season work. (My current employer is remote but has me work 9 months a year.)

So now tax season is over I’ll be moving in with my mom in a few weeks. She doesn’t have space for us all and he’s got commitments here. I’m seeing this as a stepping stone to getting out and it’s not like we can’t visit each other. My mom’s semi retired so she loves traveling. (I don’t drive due to a medical condition so that’s another reason finding work where I’m at is a nightmare. Where she lives there’s public transportation or just more in the same raidus.)

I know it’s so we can do better but how do you cope when you’re long distance like this? Because frankly, telling yourself “it’s for a better future” runs dry sometimes. I’m an army brat so I’ve been jokingly calling it a “deployment” to see if that helps me cope or helps him cope. We’re both pretty independent but have our own strengths and weaknesses too.

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