Sorry if I make mistakes, English isn’t my first language. Two days ago it was a bit chilly in my highschool but there was a lot of sun so she told to go take a little sun and then I started to feel like I was gettigg sunburned to I told that there was too much sun and she said “no I don’t think there is that much sun” and I told her “no, I am getting sunburned, well maybe you won’t get as sunburned” and she smilled angrily and covered her face with her hands and said “ay, [my name]” (“ay” is kinda like “oh” in Spanish). I didn’t even apologize and then she told another classmate of us “vieras lo que me dijo [my name]” (“you won’t believe what [my name] said to me”) then she asked me what I said and I told her and she told “sí, es que te pasaste” (“yeah, you crossed the line”). I don’t know what to do, today we don’t have classes in my classroom but tommorrow we’ll do, should I apologize to her or pretend it didn’t happen or show that I regret it in indirect ways? I feel so guilty and I also worry this will end our friendship because she is an amazing person and I wish we kept being friends after we graduate from highschool and I want to be worthy of her friendship

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