What drains you the most emotionally?

  1. Dealing with a man who believes he’s acting considerately, but is actually treating me like a child, and having to respond to him politely regardless.

  2. My parents; I feel like they haven’t harvested relationships in their lifetime and I have to be the center of their universe even if I’m in my thirties.

  3. People constantly repeatedly always reaching out to vent about the exact same thing without ever doing anything about it.

  4. Lately, what drains me emotionally is getting into heated arguments with my husband about his parents and parenting styles. Also, dealing with toddler tantrums without any support. And, lack of alone time to decompress.

  5. Feelings of inadequacy and chronic insomnia (which worsens depression and anxiety, which in turn worsen insomnia; it’s a vicious cycle).

  6. Insincere people. Or people who pretend to not know how their actions affect people. Or people who know and don’t care, and think they’re being badass by not caring. Like no you’re just an asshole.

  7. Social situations where I have to put on a facade/not be myself, while having a big group discussion about a topic I’m not interested in or don’t know much about.

  8. It’s a toss up between depression and dwelling on the evils of the world that man has perpetrated since the dawn of time with no end in sight.

  9. Soothing kids or drunk people. They can’t be reasoned with but with the right presentation of yourself they can be calmed. It takes way more control than I can usually be bothered to do, though.

  10. Fear of the future with the way things are at the moment. Also my anxiety at the moment. I have also got a real increased fear of death or loosing loved ones lately. I dunno how to cope with that, that well.

  11. Lately it’s been our high school students. We get it. They are burned out. But they don’t have to take it out on us.

  12. Talking to friends that don’t get along with me…and the fact that no matter what i do i end up being in the same area..

  13. Socializing with people (esp. Family) knowing I’m not being myself around them..

  14. an emotionally unavailable man who fooled me into believing I was the problem.

  15. Dealing with my family and dealing with stupid customers at my job. People who literally my work to see if we can save them money on insurance, and don’t even know how much they pay now. It drives me insane.

  16. Trying to remain friends with people who have zero consideration for yourself and are overall shitty friends.

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