So I (20F) and my boyfriend (21M) have been together for about a year now. At the beginning it was so wonderful and amazing. We lost our V card to each other so we basically have an amazing connection. Lately we’ve been arguing nonstop. He’s constantly accusing me of cheating when he’s the only guy i have eyes for. He reminds me constantly that if I cheat on him he’s gonna do something to himself. Everyday he makes me feel guilty and brings my self esteem down. I want to leave the relationship because it’s no longer healthy for anyone. But i feel like if i leave he’s gonna do something to himself. Please i need advice i can’t take it anymore.😭 i’m mentally drained.

  1. Don’t let him hold you hostage with threats of self harm. If you are worrried, tell his family members or his close friend. You should break up if you aren’t into the relationship. It’s not fair to either of you to stay together when you don’t want to be. His behavior is toxic and he’s probably the one cheating.

  2. Please leave this relationship as fast as possible.
    Your boyfriend sounds super manipulative, and you deserve better than that.
    Your future self will be thankful that you left earlier than later, and it’ll probably just get worse if you stay. You’ll find someone much better and emotionally mature, and this will just be a thing of the past that you don’t pay mind to.
    Best wishes for u mate,

  3. Leave him, he can’t be blackmailing you to stay in
    A relationship that you do not want to be in if he does something to himself it’s on him not on you you have a life and you need to live it him talking the way he is shows that he is for sure stupidly immature good luck

  4. In my opinion, you should tell him how he’s making you feel and break up and/or take a break for relationships and also if you are worried he said that he would only do something if you cheat not if you break up with him.

    Overall,just break up and tell him how you feel

  5. You’ve said it yourself. The relationship is not healthy. You are right to want to leave. It has turned toxic and that isn’t your fault from the information you’ve provided. What he chooses to do isn’t on you and you shouldn’t have to be guilted into staying with someone.

    If you want to do something for him before you leave, you could warn his family he might do something to himself but you need to lookout for yourself.

    There’s someone better for you out there. Don’t give up. 🙂

  6. I would say leave him even if he is going to do something to himself make it known also I’m sure he is likely bluffing because I am a guy to we say it as a way of manipulating you to make sure you don’t cheat it’s more of a reminder it’s honestly up to you though he likely does love you it’s just his way of being overprotective but it’s hurtful to keep hearing it honestly but arguing is what it is in a relationship no relationship is truly perfect you will always have argument’s so it’s up to you but know that if you really want to leave him and have no bond with him anymore I would suggest leaving if he does kill himself then it’s just selfish of him but if not he is likely bluffing will cut ourselves but killing yourself is a really hard thing to do if god meant for you to be then you will both end up coming back together and if he kills himself then he cheated life

  7. Accusing a partner of cheating with no reason to is classic projection . He’s probably cheating. A relationship without trust is a dead relationship. You are not responsible for his insecurities. Him threatening you to keep you under his thumb is gross. Think of your best friend in the world, if that person told you their partner was doing to them what yours is doing to you, what would you tell them?

  8. So immature, have a serious conversation with him about how he’s smothering you with his insecure, needy, attention seeking behaviour, and that it really needs to stop..

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