i really have felt alienated form my generation since high school years it doesnt help that most interactions now are done online either cause i have missed the boat in making real in person connections and i will never get to experience my internetless childhood ever again sadly

i dont fit in anywhere no matter what i try to do sometimes i feel like i just force myself to like things to have something to discuss so i dont die of sheer boredom

i dont belong nor have any same age friends yet i dont fit in with newer generations either

i dont particularly give that much of a shit what is currently trending online as i never had that from a young age if i like something then i like something if i dont like something then i dont like something

it just seems i keep doing something whether its a site or in person where people seem to either dislike me or not give me enough chance they dont prove to me that im worth it to them they have never told me that they liked having me in their life they almost never reach out to ask how im doing besides a few close relatives every now and then

i dont expect much from anyone in these current times but people seem to make an issue when there isnt one for or to me i cna be doing nothing wrong and itll upset someone i can be doing something how i want to do it and itll upset someone

i have had grown arse teachers ignore me or tutors that just seemed to really really dislike me and a manager of a part time job that got rid of me due to making a few wrong mistakes yet she had made many mistakes herself yet any time anything went wrong it was all put on me as if i had done it deliberately but she never gave me a long enough chance to improve? if no one gives me a chance then where does that leave me?

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