I’m not quite sure how to explain all of this. But, I’ve been with my boyfriend for almost about 4 years, I’m F (26) and he’s M (26). Within the last year and a half or so our sex life has gone down the drain. To the point where I feel like the guy sometimes because of how high of a drive I have at times? I consider myself a very affectionate person, and I feel that having that intimacy and passion is important in a relationship. Knowing that my partner desires me makes me feel good and vice versa. I’ve had a couple of previous relationships prior to him and every guy I’ve dated has always had a higher drive, but what made it feel nice was that they would typically initiate it and be romantic about it. Things they would do to turn me on, and it was never really something that was weird or awkward. Now with my current relationship, it’s become the complete opposite. He’s hardly ever in the mood and when he is, he’s very awkward at initiating it. I like for my partner to take the lead and control. I don’t get that ever with him. There’s not much foreplay, it kind of just feels like we have sex and then that’s it, lack of a deeper intimacy. And it sucks, I’ve been very clear about things that I like or have suggested trying to do this or that. But I feel like it just falls on deaf ears. Every time I’ve brought up my concerns and want to dive deeper and have a meaningful talk with him, he’s extremely avoidant and honestly doesn’t see a problem. Or he’ll come up with excuses how he doesn’t feel good about himself and doesn’t have a high drive. Keep in mind this has been an ongoing problem for over a year and half now. I just feel like I’m at my wits end, and just needed an outlet to talk. Anyone have any suggestions or ever gone through something like this and how you handled it?

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