So I was talking to some coworkers. We have worked together for over a year so it’s safe to say we know each other’s personalities and all. I’m pretty sure the 2 coworkers I’m talking about are closer than I am to them. I used to work a different shift but recently moved to the same shift as them. So one coworker is seeing one of the managers. I would occasionally joke about how cute they are or whatever. I just like to poke occasionally. She would always laugh or joke back with me. I’d only do this like once a month so I know I didn’t do it too much. Anyways earlier today she said she got some new brand of spaghetti because her SO (the manager) said it was good. I made another joke “Ohhh anything for (SO’s name).” That coworker and the other coworker looked at each other. Kind of like in the movies. I felt judged, and for them to do it so openly was pretty offensive to me. I thought it was really stupid. Keep in mind she kind of got snappy with me a couple of weeks ago in front of a client so I don’t know what the problem is (for something unrelated). So I guess they’re going to talk about what I said later. ?? I pretended to not notice but that whole interaction was stupid. Anyways we had a nice conversation after that which confused me more. Then I left because my shift was over. I thought we had another regular interaction. Should I just distance myself from them? I will admit I’m not the best at joking with people but I try. I also do it so infrequently so that nobody is constantly bothered by it. Plus if we’re all adults (early 20s), then we can all speak up if there’s a problem. I just want to have a good rapport/maybe even friendship with the people I’ve known for a year. I’m frustrated that I get comfortable and it seems I don’t get it right. Any thoughts?

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