I (28f) have been close to a group of gals for 7+ years now. One of the girls moved to another state 2 years ago for a school program, before she left I was in her wedding, even gave a speech at it. We remained in touch and all have plans to get together this summer as she’s moving back home. It was her bday last week, I sent a nice message and asked when she was coming home (it’s sometime this month). When I didn’t get a reply I didn’t think much of it until several days went by and I asked our mutuals if they heard from her and they all said yes they talked on her bday. Since we spoke briefly in March (she replied to my story congratulating me on new house) I didn’t think anything was wrong and she probably got busy and side tracked so I sent another message. Nothing. She has posted online since and watched my story. I texted once more saying “I hope everything’s okay! I miss you and can’t wait for you to come home” again nothing. Me and our mutuals can’t think of any reason for her to be upset. It’s driving me crazy and making me feel anxious and sad. What could be going on? If there’s something wrong, why not tell me? I truly cannot think of a reason for this but at this point there has to be something

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