I made a similar post like a month ago saying it just makes me sad when I lose someone from my life.

The comments were really motivating.

But, I still am not completely convinced. Yeah, not everyone is destined to stay in our lives. Everyone’s gotta leave.

But, I look at people who are friends for a very long time I feel bad and jealous.

I have had tons of friends over the last 10 years. Like literally so many people I used to talk to and be close with, but rn I don’t even have anyone.

I see at people who are friends from when they were kids and feel jealous.

I definitely can make new friends, but I am so tired of losing them. I want someone to stay and not leave- someone I can rely on for a long time.

I wish I had more than one person like that, but yeah I don’t even have one and I feel sad. Not even cousins yooo, and sadly I don’t even have siblings. Fml.

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