My spouse recently got laid off from the company he works for. He has a good friend who is offering him a position that is out of state, but the schedule is set for working 21 days on and 21 days off.

He would have to fly to and from, but the money is about $10 more an hour than what he was making plus amazing insurance and benefits which his previous job did not offer at all.

We have two small kids ages 8 and 3. I work full time, my schedule is 4 10’s. To be honest though, if this pans out, I may drop to 3 days a week to spend more time with my kids especially during summer months when they would otherwise be in daycare full time.

The money is such a drastic difference but I’m just trying to weigh pros and cons. Curious of others opinions?

Edit: for more context. We’ve been married for 10 years. We used to do the working on the road where he was gone for months at a time and only home on holidays. His last job where he was just laid off from, he was gone for 10 days home 3. Now that sucked because 2 of those days was driving. So, we have been there done that as far as working away goes. We’ve always made it work and I always stick to my routine with the kids when he’s home and gone. The kids are used to it really. This new job would be a longer stretch being gone but so much more time home.

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