I (28F) been friends with T (27M) for almost 7 years. We’ve had our ups and downs and would go through long stretches were we wouldn’t speak. This is usually as a result of what was Ts unwillingness to communicate but we would reconcile. A few years ago we hooked up and T told me he had had feelings for me for some time but was not interested in a relationship and preferred for us to stay friends. We hooked up a few times afterwards but he felt it was best to end things as he didn’t want to risk our friendship.

We got into an argument and didn’t speak for almost a year. T apparently tried to reach out to me many times but I blocked him on all mediums of communication because i felt that was for the best. T is a nice person, intelligent and witty but very stubborn and I’ve noticed lately inconsiderate and unwilling to accept blame.

I needed a place to stay and T offered his spare room. I informed T prior to my arrival that I was on my way and shared my location so T would know when I was close. This did not make a difference because I was left in outside in the pouring rain for 20 minutes while T kept assuming me he would be 1 minute. When T eventually emerged he didn’t help me with my bags up the wet stairs . I was so afraid of falling because I could barely see through my wet glasses. I told T I was upset and he said “sorry” in a dismissive tone; went to hide in his room and when I went to check in on me told he needed to cool off because I had ruined his mood by not letting it go. This is not the first time he had essentially forced me to apologise for being hurt by his actions .

Lately, T is always burping . This isn’t something he did previously but we’d be mid conversation and he’d burp and never apologises. What bothers me the most is that I am going through a very difficult time because of some problems with my family and I reached out to T for support. He barely responded to my messages and told me he wasn’t paying attention because he was playing video games.

I’m not even here to psychoanalyse him because the why of it all doesn’t matter. I just can’t help but get the feeling that T actually hates me. He’s treating me with contempt. Why should you randomly burp after I’ve told you I don’t like it. It’s not something he would do on the phone to his boss or colleagues.

I don’t know if I am overreacting but I can’t help but feel like he is acting like a man who wants you to break up with him.

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