How patient should I be with microaggressions due to psych medication?

I’ve been seeing my gf for 10 months but we are long distance and only see each other once a month.

She has a very strong personality, which I usually like since she can stand up for herself.

Two months ago, she’s started taking antipsychotic meds and she doesn’t seem to be very clear-headed since, which resulted in her turning her rage against me yesterday, accusing me of things I haven’t done.

I would like to demand an apology from her but she had previously warned me about this new medication and asked me to be patient, so I’m not sure I should be that harsh on her.

We haven’t seen each other much since we are long distance and I was wondering if this is the right time to leave before things get more serious or I’d be an asshole for leaving someone just because they’re adjusting to new meds.

I otherwise really like her and before this discussion we had I was actually looking forward to move closer to her (I’m moving to her town in 3 months since that’s closer to where I work and rent is cheaper there) and be more involved in her life. But now I’m really doubting myself.

She asked me to travel to meet her to spend a weekend together and talk about it but I’m torn between going and try to forgive her and sending a breakup message so I don’t have to deal with this instability any longer.

TLDR: Gf is on new psych meds and not being nice to me and I’m torn between staying by her side and leaving

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