I’m an avoidant-attachment style dumpee, 32F, after an 8-year relationship, 2 of which were engagement. My dumper 42M had anxious attachemtn style. After he asked for a break, I started going to therapy, journaling, detailed to him the ways that my behaviour hurt him, apologised, acted a bit anxious by calling too frequently. Professed love and appreciation for everything he did.

We are still in touch but he has said he is too scared to come back, still healing, and is not sure when/if he wants to come back.

Is there anything else I can do to ease his fear? Should I actively stay in touch or go no contact? I do not want to be “friendzoned” for life if I start behaving like a friend. Or was this a polite/keep-the-door-open/maybe selfish kind of way of breaking up without him having to say it clearly?

There were never any big issues, addiction, cheating, abuse.. etc.. Just this emotionally taxing anxious/avoidant dance.

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