So. I (22) used to text this girl (21) i met on bumble. We texted for about a week and then she started to ghost me. We were planning to meetup but then she ghosted me and and she missed responding in time for the date day. One day later she texted me again and said how sorry she was for not texting and missing the date. I told her that i would be down to plan another date but that i would need to know if she is still interested in meeting up. She then told me that she had been texting other guys (not saying this is bad i mean we were only texting) and that there is that guy who shes been getting along with rly well. I wished her good luck and stopped further communication.

Thought that was the end of that but now 4 weeks later she messages me again and says how she wants another chance and that she enjoyed our messages. We have been texting for a few days now and yesterday i asked her about if she was still into sewing or drawing and if she had any current projects she would like to share. She told me that she was sewing a top but she wasnt happy since her boobs are always falling out of it. I wrote: „joa hat was. Kannst ja mal ein foto von dem top schicken. 😂“ which translates to „thats kinda hot, you could send me a pic of the top 😂.“ she has left me on read for 2 hours at this point. Should i clarify that i meant only the top and not her in it? Thats what i meant. Or do i just wait?

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