Let’s set the scene

You’ve just arrived at work with your still hot, freshly made (insert from title).

You set it on the table to cool while you get ready. You sit down with a big sigh, reach over to you drink – your mouth expecting the familiar texture, and take a slow long sip.

It fizzies on your tongue. What happens next?

  1. My first instinct was the cringe when imagining this. But I’m just one guy. I’d still try it

  2. I expect my fizzy ginentikx to come with ice and lime. Coffee, no. But r/dontpanic, there’s a high probability somebody will like it.

  3. Keep drinking it. Is the idea of carbonated coffee or hot chocolate so weird? That stuff is in quite a bit of candy stores and grocery stores in Texas.

  4. There was this cheap soda brand where I grew up named Shasta and they had a Chocolate soda. It was not terrible.

  5. I’ve had espresso soda before. It was good. I don’t drink milk or hot chocolate so those are out.

  6. Carbonic acid curdles milk. There have been enough folks on the internet who recorded themselves drinking fizzy milk. Do not follow in their example.

  7. That cup is going in the trash and I’m pouring another one. If that cup is also fizzy, the whole pitcher/jug is going in the trash.

  8. Well I don’t drink any of those and I expect my soda to be fizzy so I don’t see the problem.

  9. I’ve had fizzy milk before while abroad. It’s just weird. 3/10, would not have again.

  10. I’m just gonna say there’s a reason many things aren’t carbonated. I played around with a CO2 tank and an attachment to screw onto a plastic bottle to carbonate basically any water based liquid. And I did.

  11. I drink hot chocolate all the time.

    Never had fizzy milk, bur doesn’t sound good at all.

  12. I’m fighting god at that point. I will unalive myself just to get a shot at fighting him, idc.

  13. I drink it?

    Not the hot chocolate at work though; that’s awful.

    Edit: I think I don’t know what “fizzies” means.

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