I’m (35f) Uncomfortable with husbands 36M friendship with employee F28. What are your thoughts?

Throw away due to privacy. Husband hired women.
Find out husband has been sending her lots of messages.
I came across one of the messages by accident (he works from home some days) and compelled me to look further as it was a long personal message that I found odd to be sending someone I didn’t know he was that close to.

Reading through there were lots of inside jokes and flirty comments (although nothing sexual). Nothing work related either. Some messages were sent early morning or at times he would have been home with the kids and I at night and fairly late.
Feeling pretty deceived as he didn’t disclose this relationship with me or ever mention any of it to me. He has other female colleagues whom he is friendly with however he mentions parts of their chats or talks about them/ mentions them here and there to me. I don’t feel upset by him having these relationships at all.
After seeing these messages i went through his chats with other colleagues to see if it was just how he was chatting to everyone but it wasn’t – generally was just boring and work related. The chats with this women were definitely much more friendly and jokey / flirty.

Feeling really upset and want to know what others thoughts are on the situation.

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