Before coming to the States for work, I read a couple times that people seemed to dislike having squirrels around their houses. Yet in the tiny Midwestern towns I’ve lived in for the last few months, people seem to be feeding them?

  1. They’re cute and harmless. Only time I get annoyed with them is if they eat all the seed in the bird feeder.

  2. I am indifferent towards them until they attack my garden. Violations of the ceasefire are serious matters. 

  3. They’re cute little creatures unless they start eating all of your plants or birdseed, then it’s time to get out the bucket of water

  4. I don’t care about them one way or the other. They’re just part of the scenery

  5. They can make homes in inconvenient places and damming your house or car. They can damage your roof which can lead to water damage, get in your walls or vents or whatever and die which stinks, if you don’t drive every day they can make nests in your car, my grandpa had to replace his engine once because it was turned into a rodent hotel.

    I wouldn’t say anyone has like strong opinions about squirrels specifically.

  6. I personally love them. I like feeding them over birds, because squirrels don’t shit on my car. 

  7. Love them. We have one that comes on to our deck and we feed him peanuts by hand.

  8. A lot of people don’t like them and call them “tree rats”. They chew on wires and cause other damage.

    The neighbor behind our house used to shoot them. Then he shot my grandma (bb/pellet gun, she was fine). She let him have it.

  9. As long as they don’t get into the house or eat the garden, they’re fine.

  10. Other than storing thousands of walnut shells im my shed, they dont really bother me .

  11. I don’t know if I’ve ever heard someone say they didn’t like squirrels. They’re a problem if they get inside your house or maybe they eat seed you intended for birds. But no, I can’t say I know anyone who feels that way in general. They’re ubiquitous and just part of being outside in most of the country.

  12. I got into wildlife photograph last year, and there are a lot of parks around so I see a lot of squirrels. Even at all the colleges/universities, I’ve been to, there are squirrels. My cat (RIP) really loved watching squirrels on TV, so they have a special place in my heart as well.

  13. I love them little boogers. They like to pick on my chickens and it’s hilarious.

  14. I love them, my dog had an obsessive desire to chase them no matter what obstacles are in the way.

  15. Some people feed ’em, some people shoot ’em, and some people eat ’em.

    Depends on where you are.

  16. my lovely neighbor feeds them.

    as a result- i have no more mulch, homes for days, and not sure if i trust trying to plant bulbs this fall.

    hate the fuckers

  17. Only Wildlife city folks usually see.

    It’s weird that some other countries don’t have them.

  18. They’re a pest for gardeners. We have a couple strawberry plants in our garden that we’ve yet to get a strawberry from because the squirrels always get them first.

    We’re casual gardeners so it’s not a huge deal but it is mildly annoying.

  19. My ex-wife called them “rats with good PR.”

    For the record, this is not the reason she’s my ex.

  20. They just kinda exist. They don’t really hold a special place in my heart, nor do I hate them.

  21. There’s a thing sometimes called the Deer Threshold: a deer across a park or lawn is amazing and wonderful, a deer that’s burst through a screen-door and wound up in your living room is terrifying and *must leave, now*.

    Well, squirrels aren’t terrifying, but there’s a difference between one being outside and one getting into your attic, your walls or your house’s *wiring*.

    You might feed the one in the park. 🙂

  22. Squirrel is my favorite small game in regards to taste. I usually make buffalo wings from squirrel.

  23. I love them. I’ve always had an outsized affection for them. But I don’t think that’s the *general* consensus.

  24. They’re cute and interesting. They give me job security by chewing phone and electric lines. They need to stay out of my damn garden, thankfully the pup is on patrol.

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