How did you overcome being a people pleaser?

  1. By realizing that it actually “pleases” people to be your own person with wants, needs, strengths, and weaknesses. I dated a couple of men who were people pleasers and it drove me a bit mad. I wanted them to just be themselves and not pedestalize me. That’s when I learned I wanted to be the exact opposite of them.

  2. I realized that the energy I give others is not reciprocated. You start to feel used and sort of lose autonomy when all you want to do is please others. I’m still working on overcoming that, but I just hold my ground more, I’m more assertive, a bit more selfish (which is a good thing), def more outspoken with my needs and wants and opinions. My confidence boosted big time and that’s when I started to change my people pleasing ways!

  3. I realized that I was spending all my time pleasing others and making them happy. I started spending that time doing things that please me.

  4. Other people’s feelings are not my responsibility.

    I’m still working on it, but this helps.

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