What’s your story (yourself or friend) of “men will do anything for 🐱 ?”

  1. Quit my job, packed a suitcase, and got a one-way ticket to Japan with no job or visa to meet a girl.

  2. My brother. He will do anything for 🍆or🐱.

    He is a serial cheater and homewrecker. I’ve seen him become friends with a guy just to get closer to his girlfriend and then proceed to wreck their relationship. Not to be with her, just to fuck.
    He doesn’t have any morals at all when it comes to respecting peoples relationships.

    I can’t even associate with him in public because I he’s always an active target. When we lived in Miami someone randomly just shot at our house driving by and I still think it’s because of him.

  3. I was in high-school and had just gotten my first car. Had a crush on a girl. Girl knew it and constantly used me to get things. The thing that finally broke me of it was that she messaged me one day asking if I wanted to drive and meet her at a place three hours to hang out.

    I drove there. Heard nothing from her. She wouldn’t message back or answer my calls. Waited 2 hours because I was trying to convince myself she was late or something. Then, I drove 3 hours back by myself in complete silence realizing she had ditched me. The next day, A friend told me(from being with her and her friend) that she did it cause she was showing her friends she could get me to do anything.

    15 years later and I still never go out of my way for women. Not even my wife. It was a pretty valuable lesson looking back.

  4. Went with some friends to meet a girl at this pizza spot across the street from Yale. She had her friends there and I liked 1 of them a lot. Er invited her and her friends to hang out the next day. We went to a theme park and I paid for her and 2 of her friends to get in, paid for her food at the park, afterwards we got a few bottles bc she wanted some, then got some weed too bc she and her friends wanted some, then drove them to the beach where we all got drunk and high at night.
    We finally did fuck that night and it was so not worth it. I learned my lesson that night, all this movement for pussy that wasn’t even worth it.

  5. Dudes going to protests for causes they don’t give a shit about or outright dislike to smash the girls there. Some of these events are straight up orgies at the end 

  6. Recovering from a gunshot wound to the head (but already out of the hospital), I drove an hour to hook up with a chick I met on bumble after I had a fight with my girlfriend at the time. She said she was done and I took her at her word even though I knew she was only speaking out of anger. I was technically single at the time so I had no reason not to do it.

  7. was offered a job about 800 miles away, stopped to get some food in some there-and-gone town and hooked up with a local girl. Spent three days plowing before I realized I missed my hire date.

    Called and apologized, tried to keep my perspective job, got shot down; had to return home in shame.

    That was some damn good pussy, though.

  8. He makes my life a living hell. Crying at all times of the day and getting zoomies at night. Shitting on the carpet, beds, rugs, couches, etc. Every waking moment, he just insists it’s time for a treat. It’s just awful.

    But I love my senile old cat to death and I’d do anything for him

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