**Kinda long but funny read if you’re willing**

So I (26f) have been single for years and wanted to get back into the dating scene after focusing on school & my career for so long. I’m dating with intention and want to take things slow. I have been on dating apps recently, met this one guy and we hit it off immediately! We had a lot of the same interests and goofy personality. I thought we were a good match because we wanted the same things out of life/relationships, but I’ll start at the beginning.

We chatted for about alittle over a week before we went on our first date. We went to this restaurant and we both laughed a bunch. There weren’t any awkward silences (which I adored). After being there for about an hr & a half we tried to figure out what to do afterwards because 1. We didn’t want the date to end and 2. We both had vacations planned for the next 2 weeks. We knew we wouldn’t see eachother for a while, but couldn’t think of anything to do due to the weather, etc. So I made the call for us to go our separate ways and he seemed a bit down (as was I), but I definitely left that night cheesing like a hs girl.

While we both were on our own separate vacations we constantly chatted it up and got to know eachother. It seemed all fine & dandy til the day I came back from vacay. I came home at 1am and then had class the next day from 1-5pm. Afterwards, I just wanted to be home so I can relax and recharge. I told him we could hang out alittle later that week, but it seemed like he really wanted to see me that night. We communicated and I set my boundaries so I thought everything was going fine.

Our second date, we went to the movies and there’s an arcade so we played while we waited for the movie to start. It was fun then maybe 15 mins into the movie he kissed me! There I was cheesing again like crazy and we seemed to enjoy ourselves cuddling and periodically kissing throughout the movie. He dropped me off home that night & all was well.

Next time we hung out, I ended up picking him up and we went on a hike. There were some nice views and we chatted alot about any & everything. Just trying to get to know eachother on a deeper level. As I was beginning to feel more comfortable with him, we planned on our next hang out session to be that weekend.

I go over to his house and we watch 2 movies on the couch. We were cuddling hard af again & just being in eachothers presence. After the second movie, he picked me up and carried me to his bed and things proceeded to get pretty heated if ya know what I mean. I didn’t wanna go all the way as I have only known this man for maybe 6 weeks at this point. ‘My mind was telling me no, but my body was telling me yes.’ (If you know that song ily4l) So we were VERY handsy. Between feeling up on eachother, kissing eachother and even tickling eachother for some laughs, he was really beginning to grow on me.

Then the next day he was pretty distant with hardly any texts and then the day after that he told me he doesn’t see us anything more than ‘friendly’. Not sure if I did anything to turn him off or if I was taking too long to give him what he wants. All I gotta say is if he waited one more week he prolly would’ve gotten it, but glad to know I dodged a bullet😂

Does no one believe/enjoy taking things slow nowadays? It feels like a majority just wants to hop right in at 100% and if I’ve learned anything, those flames can die out the quickest if you don’t take time/care to cultivate them.

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